Sharing Family-Friendly Experiences and Resources on the Best that Taitung County has to offer.

On The Road in Taitung County

Taitung County is situated in the Southeast corner of Taiwan. As a county that is not connected by high speed rail, electric rail, or superhighway, it is the most naturally and culturally unspoiled part of Taiwan. The skies are almost always bright blue in the day, and the stars are out in abundace at night. Almost as striking as the skies, the Pacific Ocean welcomes visitors with a palette of azure and deep blue tones. In the majestic mountains of Taitung County, one can find many of Taiwan's flora and fauna species in their natural habitats.

Over 90% of the local population is comprised of indigenous people. The Amis, Bunun, Puyuma, Paiwan, Rukai and Tao tribes have traditional villages and homelands in this county. You can venture into the tribal lands and experience much of the indigenous culture that is still intact. Because of this rich indigenous culture, many Austronesian people and scholars explore Taitung County to explore what academics say is the "ancestral home" of Austronesian peoples and cultures around the world.

In order to fully appreciate the ancient indigenous cultures of Taiwan, we recommend you spend a day visiting the Taiwan National Prehistory Museum, where you can see a comprehensive exhibition of over 5,000 years of human settlement in Taiwan. Visit the Peinan Culture Park to see an actual archaeological site of an indigenous settlement that is at least 3,000 years old.

On The Road in Taitung County photo

Day Lily Mountain in Taimali Township.

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Favorite Sights

Day Lily Mountain

Favorite Events

Taitung Balloon Festival

Favorite Restaurants

Alihi Buffet

Favorite Hotels

Sheraton Taitung Hotel


Day Lily Mountain, Taimali District, Taitung CountyDay Lily Mountain
Taimali District
Xiaoyeliu, Taitung CountyXiaoyeliu
Taitung County
Taitung City, Taitung CountyTaitung City
Taitung County


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USA BASE: 900 E. Pecan St.
Suite 300, PMB 104
Pflugerville, TX 78660
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TAIWAN BASE: No.48 Jhongsan Rd
Sigang District 72341
Tainan City, Taiwan R.O.C.
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CONTACT:USA: 407-459-7766

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